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“Shot? I don’t understand? Was it hunters? Some kind of accident?”

“It wasn’t an accident. Did your sister and her husband have any enemies? Anyone who would have wanted to kill them?”

“No! Are you saying they were murdered? While camping?”

“That’s what it looks like. Do you know why they were here?”

“They bought the land a few weeks ago and wanted to spend some time on it. They said it was really beautiful up there. Who killed them?”

“We don’t know yet. Did either of them mention having an argument or disagreement with anyone? Did they mention arranging to meet someone up here?”

“No. It was just a quick trip to get the lay of the land and make plans.”

“What kind of plans?”

“Casey!” She choked out the word. “What about Casey? Is she all right?”

“Who is Casey?” Gage asked.

“Their daughter. My niece. She was with them. Is she all right? Did whoever do this kill her, too?”

Gage felt as if someone had reached into his chest and grabbed his heart and squeezed. “You’re sure she was with them? How old is Casey?”

“She’s five. And yes, I’m sure she was with them. You didn’t see her?”

“No.” He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to bring his memory of the scene at the camp into focus. No child’s toys scattered about. Sleeping bags and tote box in the tent. Some clothing—maybe something pink, but at the time he had assumed it belonged to the woman. Women wore pink. But now that he thought about it again, the T-shirt had been a little on the small side for Angela Hood. “You’re sure your niece was with her parents on this trip? Maybe they left her with friends or a relative.”

“They wouldn’t do that. Or if they did, I would know about it. If they needed someone to watch Casey, I would do it.” Her voice rose, pinched with agitation. “What’s happened to her?”

“I promise I’ll find out. I have to go now, but I’ll call you back as soon as I know something.”

Fighting a sick feeling in his stomach, he hit the speed dial for Travis again, even as he started the SUV. “Those two murder victims up here?” he said as soon as Travis answered. “They had a kid with them. We’ve got a missing little girl.”

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