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Maya shifted in her chair, curiosity warring with embarrassment. Curiosity won. “Are you and Gage involved?” she asked.

Paige laughed. “Oh my goodness, no. What made you think that?”

“I know you went down to talk to him after you showed me to my room. I just thought...” She shrugged.

“No. Gage and I are not involved.” Paige pinched off a bite of muffin. “Neither one of us is interested in getting serious,” she said. “It’s easier.”

“I know what you mean,” Maya said. “I’m not seeing anyone right now, either.” Though she couldn’t help thinking how nice it would be to have someone she could lean on. She pushed the thought away. She had been standing on her own two feet for plenty of years—no reason to stop now. “How did you end up in Eagle Mountain?” she asked.

“I came here on vacation and fell in love with the place,” Paige said.

“Where did you live before?” Maya asked.

“Portland, Oregon.”

“This is certainly different from Portland,” Maya said.

“Different was what I needed at the time. I was coming off a painful divorce, and both my parents had died in the three years prior to that. I had a little money my aunt had left me, so I used it to buy this place and fix it up.” She shrugged. “At the time, I thought maybe I would stay a few years then move on, but I got involved in life here and I love running the B and B. It’s a good fit all around.”

“I think small-town life would bore me after a while,” Maya said.

“There’s plenty to do here if you know where to look,” Paige said. “Maybe not as many choices as in the city and we’re low on anything resembling the club scene, but I’ve made a lot of friends here. I care about this place and it feels like home.”

The doorbell chimed and Paige scraped back her chair. “That’s probably Gage.”

Maya told herself her heart beat faster because she was hoping for news from Gage about her niece, but she had to admit to the thrill of attraction that ran through her when the sheriff’s deputy stepped into the dining room. “Good morning,” he said, and nodded and touched the brim of his hat.

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