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“Why the promotion or why you?” said Branca without looking up. “Both, I guess.”

“Did you happen to notice König was not with us this morning?”

König was the company’s chief courier, a tall, handsome man just a few years older than Largo. “No, sir. I didn’t,” he said.

Branca tugged at his collar. “I didn’t expect so. But it’s true nevertheless—he wasn’t with us. And it’s likely you won’t see him again here … or anywhere else,” Branca said. “He’s been arrested by the Nachtvogel.”

Largo didn’t say anything for a moment, still not sure whether Branca was playing him for a fool. König was a nobody, as were all the other couriers at the company. Why would the secret police take away a nobody?

“You saw it happen? I mean, they arrested him here?”

Branca nodded. “Right where you’re standing now.”

Largo looked at the floor, not sure what he was expecting to see. Then, feeling foolish, he looked back at Branca. “I don’t understand. What would the Nachtvogel want with König?”

“I have no idea because I didn’t ask, an attitude I advise you to emulate should you ever find yourself face-to-face with them.”

Largo took a step closer to his supervisor and said very quietly, “What were they like?”

Branca cocked his head for a moment as if looking for the precise words. “Men. They looked like men. Very serious men.”

“That’s it?”

“Except for the horns and hooves. And their long, forked tongues, of course,” said Branca. He made a face at Largo. “Don’t ask silly questions, boy. They were citizens like you or me. And before you ask one more idiotic thing and I’m forced to reconsider your promotion, I’ll tell you this. I heard one significant word as they were putting König in irons: anarchist. Personally, I never took the man for a political extremist, but there you are.”

Largo shook his head. “I wouldn’t have guessed. I mean, he never talked about politics. It was always about money, his girlfriend, and work. The same things we all talk about.”

“Would you expect an anarchist to shout slogans from the loading dock at lunchtime?” Branca said. “And as for his talk about money, well there you are. More than one good man has been turned to crime by dreams of easy cash. Don’t let that happen to you. You’ve been given a rare opportunity. Use it wisely.”

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