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The bit about the wrap got Emma’s complete attention, her big brown eyes watching him as if he held the key to life.

“The food truck that wrap came from is going to be parking at my construction site for lunch tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday.”

“Really? Yay, I can’t wait!” Emma ladled soup into bowls with such excitement that a lot wound up on the counter.

He grabbed a paper towel and mopped up the hot spillage. “You’re gonna like her truck. It’s pink.”

“My favorite color!”

That truth hadn’t gone unnoticed the day Lacy had driven up. He threw out the paper towel and got a sponge for the rest of the cleanup. “Don’t forget to bring things to keep yourself busy tomorrow.”

“Like my crocheting? And my Bettina Ballerina books?”

“If you like. Anything but watching movies. You’re going to have to entertain yourself a lot while I work.”

“Like I have to do around here?”

That stung, but it was true. “You’re good at it, aren’t you?”

She nodded, gave that adorable smile, and all he wanted to do was hug his little girl.

“Everything’s ready, Dad,” Emma said, pure pride in her high-toned voice.

“Wow, this looks great.” The sandwiches were browned to perfection, then placed on small plates with a pickle spear each, and the soup was in wide bowls, steam rising from the warm broth. He carried the hot stuff to the table and let her handle the grilled cheese.

“It’s called presentation.”

She’d obviously learned that from the Junior Chefs show, because he simply threw food on the plates. His kid had already figured out how to arrange things to make them look inviting. The next thought hit with a ball of anxiety: he’d be in way over his head by the time she was a teenager.

“Someday, I want to be a cook for a big restaurant,” she said, delivering her plates, then rushing to grab some paper napkins. “I just need to learn how.”

“Shortcake, I don’t doubt you’ll be able to do anything you put your mind to.” He sat. “Now let’s eat. I’m so hungry I may need seconds.”

Halfway through the meal he got an idea. “Maybe we can search online for some kid-friendly recipes that you can try right here at home. And I can help.” Maybe he’d pick up a few cooking tips, too, as it would be right at his level.

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