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Finally, before finishing the book with a look into the future of the metaverse in ssss1, we will explore the dark side of the metaverse. Similar that the existing Web has a Dark Web, the metaverse will inherently come with negative aspects that harm citizens, organizations, and societies. What are these problems, and more importantly, how can we prevent them from happening? We will discuss the dangers and ethical challenges of the metaverse, the most likely (mental) health impact on its users and the numerous privacy and security dangers. The metaverse will be fun and useful, but only if we build it right. ssss1 will discuss how to go about this and how we can fight back to keep the metaverse a pleasant environment that does not further destabilize society but drives humanity forward.

Our society and what it means to be human will change drastically in the coming years. We are at the cusp of building an alternate reality that is not bound by the laws of physics and where anything is possible. In this world, magic will become a reality. I hope that this book will give you a complete understanding of what the metaverse can become, how you as a consumer can enjoy it, and how organizations can benefit from it, without harassing and following those same consumers as organizations do on the Web today. If we get it wrong and don’t learn from our mistakes, the dystopian metaverse portrayed by Neal Stephenson in his novel Snow Crash will become a reality. However, if we build it right, a world of abundance is upon us. Let the journey and magic begin; let’s step into the metaverse.


1 ssss1 We will discuss nonfungible tokens in-depth, but to give you a head start, nonfungible means that these tokens, which are (digital) representations of (digital) assets similar to how casino chips represent money, are nontradeable. This then means that one nonfungible token cannot be exchanged for another nonfungible token because they do not hold the same value. Casino chips or dollar bills are fungible; a one-dollar chip or one-dollar bill can be exchanged for another one-dollar chip or one-dollar bill, and you still have exactly the same thing. A Pokémon Go card is nonfungible, because one card can be more valuable than another and exchanging it means you will have something different with a different value.

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