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The reference in §9 to the founding of Nargothrond by Celegorm and Curufin and in §10 to Barahir having been ‘a friend of Celegorm of Nargothrond’ belong to the phase of the swiftly-evolving legend represented by alterations to the text of the Lay of the Children of Húrin (see III. 83–5), when it was Celegorm and Curufin who founded Nargothrond after the breaking of the Leaguer of Angband and Felagund had not yet emerged; similarly in the A-text of the Lay of Leithian (III. 171).

The alterations to S in these sections move the story on to the form found in the B-text of the Lay of Leithian, with Felagund as the one saved by Barahir and the founder of Nargothrond – though here it is said specifically that Felagund and his brothers founded the realm, with the aid of Celegorm and Curufin; it seems therefore that the deaths of Angrod and Egnor in the battle that ended the Leaguer had not yet arisen (see III. 221, 247).

The very early form of the story of Beren (the first stage of development from the Tale of Tinúviel) in S §10 as first written has been discussed in III. 219–20, 244. There remains an interesting point to mention in the end of this version: the sentence ‘Some songs say that Lúthien went even over the Grinding Ice, aided by the power of her divine mother, Melian, to Mandos’ halls and won him back.’ There is no suggestion here that ssss1; and the same idea seems likely to underlie the lines of the second version of the Lay of the Children of Húrin (III. 107):

ere he winged afar

to the long awaiting; thence Lúthien won him,

the Elf-maiden, and the arts of Melian

In the Tale of Tinúviel, on the other hand, it is said (II. 40) that

Tinúviel crushed with sorrow and finding no comfort or light in all the world followed him swiftly down those dark ways that all must tread alone

– and this seems quite clear in its meaning.

Beren and Lúthien are here said to have lived, after Beren’s return, ‘in the woods of Doriath and in the Hunters’ Wold, west of Nargothrond’. The Land of the Dead that Live was placed in the Hunters’ Wold (Hills of the Hunters) in the Lay of the Children of Húrin; see III. 89, where the previous history of its placing is given.

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