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The name Cuinlimfin of the Waters of Awakening (note to line 450) seems to have been a passing idea, soon abandoned.

Lastly, at line 50 occurs (by emendation in B from Côr) the unique compound name Corthûn, while at 430 the city of Côr was emended to the city of Tún; see II. 292.



Long time alone he lived in the hillsa hunter of beast and hater of Men,560or Orcs, or Elves, till outcast folkthere one by one, wild and recklessaround him rallied; and roaming farthey were feared by both foe and friend of old.For hot with hate was the heart of Túrin,565nor a friend found him such folk of Thingolas he wandering met in the wood’s fastness.

There Beleg the brave on the borders of Doriaththey found and fought – and few were with him –and o’erborne by numbers they bound him at last,570till their captain came to their camp at eve.Afar from that fight his fate that dayhad taken Túrin on the trail of the Orcs,as they hastened home to the Hills of Ironwith the loot laden of the lands of Men.575Then soon was him said that a servant of Thingolthey had tied to a tree – and Túrin comingstared astonied on the stern visageof Beleg the brave his brother in arms,of whom he learned the lore of leaping blades,580and of bended bow and barbéd shaft,and the wild woodland’s wisdom secret,when they blent in battle the blood of their wounds.

Then Túrin’s heart was turned from hate,and he bade unbind Beleg the huntsman.585‘Now fare thou free! But, of friendship aughtif thy heart yet holds for Húrin’s son,never tell thou tale that Túrin thou sawstan outlaw unloved from Elves and Men,whom Thingol’s thanes yet thirst to slay.590Betray not my trust or thy troth of yore!’Then Beleg of the bow embraced him there –he had not fared to the feast or the fall of Orgof –there kissed him kindly comfort speaking:‘Lo! nought know I of the news thou tellest;595but outlawed or honoured thou ever shalt bethe brother of Beleg, come bliss come woe!Yet little me likes that thy leaping swordthe life should drink of the leaguered Elves.Are the grim Glamhoth then grown so few,600or the foes of Faërie feeble-hearted,that warlike Men have no work to do?Shall the foes of Faërie be friends of Men?Betrayest thou thy troth whom we trusted of yore?’

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