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Every one commended the Queens deliberation, concluding that it shold be accordingly prosecuted: and thereupon, the master of the houshold was called, to give him order for that evenings Table service, and what else concerned the time of the Queenes Royalty, wherein he was sufficiently instructed: which being done, the company arose, licensing every one to doe what they listed. The Ladies and Gentlemen walked to the Garden, and having sported themselves there a while; when the houre of supper came, they sate downe, and fared very daintily. Being risen from the Table, according to the Queenes command, Madam Aemilia led the dance, and the ditty following, was sung by Madam Pampinea, being answered by all the rest, as a Chorus.

The Song

And if not I, what Lady else can sing,

Of those delights, which kind contentment bring?

Come, come, sweet Love, the cause of my chiefe good,

Of all my hopes, the firme and full effect;

Sing wee together, but in no sad mood,

Of sighes or teares, which joy doth countercheck:

Stolne pleasures are delightfull in the taste,

But yet Loves fire is oftentimes too fierce;

Consuming comfort with ore-speedy haste,

Which into gentle hearts too far doth pierce.

And if not I, etc.

The first day that I felt this fiery heate,

So sweete a passion did possesse my soule,

That though I found the torment sharp, and great;

Yet still me thought t'was but a sweete controule.

Nor could I count it rude, or rigorous,

Taking my wound from such a piercing eye:

As made the paine most pleasing, gracious,

That I desire in such assaults to die.

And if not I, etc.

Grant then great God of Love, that I may still

Enjoy the benefit of my desire;

And honour her with all my deepest skill,

That first enflam'd my heart with holy fire.

To her my bondage is free liberty,

My sicknesse health, my tortures sweet repose;

Say shee the word, in full felicity

All my extreames joyne in an happy close.

Then if not I, what Lover else can sing,

Of those delights which kind contentment bring?

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