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Still, she was here. And since she was, she would at least get Justice back on his feet.

“So, what’s it going to be, Justice?” she asked. “Going to play the tough, stoic cowboy? Or are you going to cooperate with me?”

“I didn’t ask you to come,” he told her, ignoring his brother standing just a foot or so away.

“Of course you didn’t,” Maggie retorted. “Everyone knows the great Justice King doesn’t need anyone or anything. You’re getting along fine, right?” She straightened up and took a step back. “So why don’t you just get up out of that chair and walk me to the door.”

His features tightened and his eyes flashed dangerously, and just for a second or two Maggie was half afraid he’d try to do just that and end up falling on his face. But the moment passed and he only glared at her. “Fine. You can stay.”

“Wow.” She placed one hand on her chest as if she were sighing in gratitude. “Thank you.”

Justice glowered at her.

Jefferson cleared his throat and drew both of their gazes to him. “Well, then, looks like my work here is done. Justice, try not to be too big of an ass. Maggie,” he said, moving to plant a quick kiss on her forehead, “best of luck.”

Then he left and they were alone.

“Jefferson shouldn’t have called you,” Justice said quietly.

“Who else would he call?” Maggie looked at his white-knuckled grip on the cane he held in his right fist. He was angry, she knew. But more than that, he was frustrated. Her husband wasn’t the kind of man to accept limitations in himself. Having to use a cane to support a weakened leg would gnaw at him. No wonder he was as charming as a mountain lion with its foot caught in a trap.

He blew out a breath. “I could get Mrs. Carey to throw you out.”

Maggie laughed shortly. “She wouldn’t do it. She likes me. Besides, you need me.”

“I don’t need your help or your pity. I can do this on my own.”

A flare of indignation burst into life inside her. “That is so typical, Justice. You go through your life self-sufficient and expecting everyone else to do the same. Do it yourself or don’t do it. That’s your style.”

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