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Опыт восхождения к цельному знанию

Публикации разных лет

С. В. Гальперин

© С. В. Гальперин, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-7331-6

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Материалы девяностых годов двадцатого века


Barcelona, Spain, September 1991

S. Galperin,

the All-union Centre

of Future Researches,


Change of natural-scientific paradigm is unavoidable

The stable present-coming ecological crisis is not difficult to be found in the fundamentals of philosophy of the contemporary natural science: in contradiction of spirit and matter (subject-oriented division), in stating the equality of originality and usefulness (phenomenological coming), in attempt of seeing the Universe as a system, which can be explained by the ultimate logic-mathematical analysis.

But there had existed principally different understanding of the world in the origins of the world cultures which the superior rationalism tried not to notice. The development of such of understanding may be found out in the works of Russian thinkers: V. Solovyov, N. Fyodorov, P. Florensky, N. Berdyaev, A. Losev.

Owing to the understanding of equality of stability and motion with endless great velocity it is not reasonable to take into consideration subject-object division, i.e. the law of equality of formal logics (A = A) should be changed (A = not A). The understanding itself is not to be the result of formal measurement (comparison) but the act of inner integration of cognitive subject with cognitive object.


Multiaged mystery is coming to its end. The human-being in this mystery was given a role of a possible watcher. The over-value of values is to be unavoidable. Its necessity is not only for science but also for social consciousness as a whole is indisputable.

Из материалов Всесоюзного центра

по исследованию будущего (СССР)

для XII конференции Международной федерации

по изучению будущего (ротапринт);

Барселона, Испания, сентябрь 1991

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