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Perhaps, Keith thought, it wasn’t a bad thing to be remembering it tonight.

Pushed in behind the photo was a folded paper. It was one of the notes he had been thinking about, which Natalie put occasionally in his lunch pail. This clipping was about continuing experiments, by U.S. geneticists. Human sperm, it reported, could now be fast frozen and stored indefinitely. When thawed, it could be used for fertilization of women at any time.

Natalie had written:

It appears you can have babies merely by opening a refrigerator door.

I’m glad we had our ration

With love and passion.

She had been trying then; still trying desperately to return their lives… the two of them; and as a family… to the way they had been before.

Mel had joined forces, too, attempting with Natalie, to induce his brother to fight free from the depression which engulfed him totally.

Even then a part of Keith had wanted to respond, to respond to love with love himself. But the effort failed, because there was no feeling or emotion left within himself, only remorse and despair.

Keith wondered again if Natalie had put in a note with his meal tonight, hoping that she had. There were ham and sandwiches, a container of cottage cheese, a pear, and wrapping paper. Nothing more.

It was his own fault; there had been no time. Today, because of the preparations he needed to make, he had left home earlier than usual. She had not asked why he wanted to leave early. If there had been questions, he would have had to invent something, and he would not have wanted the last words between them to have been a lie.

He had driven to the airport business area and registered at the O’Hagan Inn where, earlier in the day, he had made a reservation by telephone. In a few hours from now, when Keith’s duty watch was ended, he could go there quickly. The room key was in his pocket.


The meeting of Meadowood citizenry started later than planned, since most of the six hundred adults who were present had had to battle their way, in cars and on foot, through deep snow. But somehow they came and were unanimously angry.

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