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Conservation and Sustainability in Historic Cities - Dennis Rodwell

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  • Скачали: 80
  • Автор: Dennis Rodwell
  • Объем страниц: 274 стр.
  • Жанр: Новинки книг
  • Возрастное : 0+
  • Год: 21 августа 2019
  • isbn: 9780470759516
  • Дата: 24 август 2022

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Conservation and Sustainability in Historic Cities examines how the two key issues of urban conservation and sustainability relate to each other in the context of historic cities, and how they can be brought together in a common philosophy and practice that is mutually supportive. It sets out the theoretical and practical background to architectural conservation and how its perceived relevance and level of attainment can be extended when harnessed to wider agendas of sustainability and cultural identity. It tests the achievement of urban conservation through examples from across Europe and further afield and relates them to the sustainability agenda.

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