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Start at the End. How Companies Can Grow Bigger and Faster by Reversing Their Business Plan - David Lavinsky

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  • Скачали: 88
  • Автор: David Lavinsky
  • Объем страниц: 242 стр.
  • Жанр: Новинки книг
  • Возрастное : 0+
  • Год: 26 декабря 2017
  • isbn: 9781118421734
  • Дата: 24 август 2022

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О книге

Re-focus your business plan and achieve the success your business deserves Business owners, and their teams, often lose their way in the midst of the day-to-day stress of generating sales and profits. Whether your goal is selling millions of your product, expanding operations to a new location, or generating more profits, Start at the End offers a unique approach and action steps for business owners and entrepreneurs to redevelop your business plan and achieve ultimate success. You'll learn how to re-create your long-term vision and then make continuous progress in achieving that vision while continuing to hit your short-term goals. Start at the End offers inspiring stories of other entrepreneurs who have achieved significant success in this area, as well as easy-to-follow exercises and next steps. Shows how to develop a realistic business and financial model based on market data Explains how to identify and pursue new opportunities, raise capital, and build growth strategies Start at the End gives business owners a chance to take a step back, re-evaluate your business, and redesign your business plan to achieve the success you dreamed of when you first launched your company.

Читать книгу Start at the End. How Companies Can Grow Bigger and Faster by Reversing Their Business Plan онлайн, совершенно бесплатно и без регистрации. Автор книги David Lavinsky. Жанр книги: Новинки книг, является одним из самых популярных жанров современности.

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